
Carrier Transicold’s Pulsor® range revolutionises urban cooling with cutting-edge E-Drive™ technology.
Designed for high-demand urban transport, the Pulsor delivers consistent cooling performance even at low engine speeds, ensuring the integrity of the cooling circuit.
Ideal for frequent stops, multiple door openings and urban traffic.
Pulsor maintains optimum temperatures for sensitive products, reducing fuel consumption and operating costs.

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Why choose Pulsor
We are always there

The Pulsor ensures even cooling performance even in slow city traffic, ensuring that your goods remain at the right temperature throughout the delivery cycle.
By using E-Drive™ technology, Pulsor minimises fuel consumption during shutdown, resulting in significant cost savings and maintenance savings.
1. E-Drive™ technology converts mechanical power into electricity. 2. Inverter adjusts electrical power for precise cooling needs. 3. Variable speed compressor adjusts to maintain constant power in all cooling phases.